Web Money Atm Card To Withdraw Your Webmoney Funds

on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

If you want to increase your current limits, you must enable WebMoney, Keeper, WinPro, or WebMoney Keeper WebPro. This can be done through the following steps:

Go to the Change Management Methods page and add WebMoney Keeper WinPro or WebMoney Keeper WebPro (you can still use WM Keeper Standard).
Once you have completed the required steps, you can change the limits specified for the Keeper Standard portfolio by default. To change the limits, you must log on to the security service by using the WinPro Keeper or the WebPro Keeper.
Daily limit is the maximum amount of money transfer from an existing portfolio, which can not be exceeded within a day. For example, if the portfolio has a maximum of 1 WMR and one WMR transfer from the wallet is made on January 24, 2011 at 23:59, it means that next time it can be transferred in the same amount, it should not be done before January 25, 2011) at 00:00, where the account starts the day following the day on which the previous transfer was made.Web Money Atm Card To Withdraw Your Webmoney Funds


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